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Citizen Science

Voluntary public participation in the scientific process, addressing real-world problems in ways that may include formulating research questions, conducting scientific experiments, collecting and analyzing data, interpreting results, making new discoveries, developing technologies and applications, for solving complex problems.

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Florida teen spearheads Antarctic scuba research

Megan WinslowJune 4th, 2024John Humphreys had never seen snow in person until he ventured to Buffalo, New York in January — to scuba dive. Just a month later, the 15-year-old Tampa resident and 4-H member was navigating underwater around Antarctic icebergs. Now back from his nearly three-week journey, John plans to spend most of his summer analyzing iceberg-related […]

Looking for recreational divers to participate in the Great Goliath Grouper Count!

Shelly KruegerMay 30th, 2024Great Goliath Grouper Count This is the 15th year of the Great Goliath Grouper Count, scheduled to take place June 1 through June 16, 2024! The Great Goliath Grouper Count is a collaboration between Florida Sea Grant and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) that uses recreational divers to collect the number, size […]

Adventures with Moths

Susan GildersleeveMay 10th, 2024Looking for a fun and relaxing evening activity? Something that might be more fulfilling than collapsing on the couch? Why not try… mothing? What’s mothing? Mothing is forging out into the natural world (i.e., your yard or your street) armed with nothing but a phone and maybe an old bedsheet to find out what moths […]