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Don’t Forget to Take the Landscape Stakes Off Your Tropical Fruit Trees!

Jessica M. RyalsJune 12th, 2024Rainy season is almost here, and it’s a great time start planting tropical fruit trees. The consistent rain can help minimize the transplant shock that new trees experience and you may even be able to use less water to get your tree established, as long as the rain/irrigation applied is fairly consistent for those critical […]

2024 Annual Collier County Ag Tour Recap

Jessica M. RyalsMay 8th, 2024In a long-standing tradition, University of Florida/IFAS Extension Collier County hosted the Annual Collier County Agricultural Bus Tour on Wednesday, March 20, 2024. This annual tour has occurred for over 50 years in the county and gives participants access to the stories, tastes, and sights of farm life from farmers, ranchers, and local agricultural experts. […]

Collier County Farmer’s Market Guide – Winter and Spring 2024

Jessica M. RyalsJanuary 8th, 2024If you are a food enthusiasts seeking fresh and flavorful produce, look no further than right here in Collier County. Our county is home to 12 vibrant farmer’s markets that showcase a diverse array of locally grown fruits, vegetables, artisanal food products, and more. Collier County’s farmers markets are not just places to shop for […]

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