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Cultivating a Food Forest in Your Yard

David AustinMay 29th, 2024To grow your food is to know your food Step outside your door and gather the ingredients for a salad or pick some fruit for breakfast. It wasn’t so long ago that people lived that way and grew much of what they ate. With the convenience of grocery stores, we probably won’t go back to […]

On the Prowl for Poisonous Pasture Weeds

Cassidy DossinMay 17th, 2024When North Florida really starts to warm up, I often get numerous calls concerning unknown weeds, identifying foreign plants, and lots of, “Is this poisonous?” questions. In fact, there is not a season that goes by that I don’t add an entirely new plant species or two to my education. Lots of Florida plants, native […]

Ten years on, UF/IFAS poultry program keeps clucking

Megan WinslowMay 16th, 2024For years, the presence of chickens in some Jacksonville backyards remained an open secret; observant neighbors knew they existed, and many didn’t mind. But some did. “Between neighbors complaining and code enforcement not really knowing what to do, a group of backyard chicken keepers approached the city and said, ‘We’d like you to codify this,’” […]

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