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Jardinería de vegetales en Florida

La huerta ofrece aire fresco, sol, ejercicio, disfrute, terapia mental, vegetales frescos nutritivos y ahorro económico, entre muchos otros beneficios. Las verduras se pueden cultivar durante todo el año en Florida si se presta atención a las fechas de siembra adecuadas.

Publicaciones relacionadas en el blog de IFAS

Spice Up You Life: A Beginners Guide to Growing Sage

Julia SirchiaJune 6th, 2024Do you enjoy cooking with fresh herbs or admiring them in your garden? If so, growing sage at home could become your new favorite hobby. In this guide, we’ll explore how to grow Sage in Central Florida, featuring varieties that thrive in the region, essential growing conditions, pest and disease management, and seasonality. Commonly Grown […]

Community Gardens in Pasco County: Get Involved

Julia SirchiaMay 30th, 2024What is the UF/IFAS Extension Pasco County community gardens program? The UF/IFAS Extension Pasco County Community Gardens Program originated in the low income communities of Dade City. This program was created by the interdepartmental relationship of the University of Florida and the Pasco County Extension Office, run by the County Extension Director, Dr. Whitney Elmore […]

Cultivating a Food Forest in Your Yard

David AustinMay 29th, 2024To grow your food is to know your food Step outside your door and gather the ingredients for a salad or pick some fruit for breakfast. It wasn’t so long ago that people lived that way and grew much of what they ate. With the convenience of grocery stores, we probably won’t go back to […]