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Marine Ecosystems

Interaction of living organisms with the physical or chemical environment in a body of saltwater.

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Recreational Waters

Recreational waters are considered to be any natural fresh, marine or estuarine bodies of water that are used for recreation.


A shallow elevation composed of consolidated material that may constitute a hazard to surface navigation. (AGROVOC)


Climate Change: Effects on Salinity in Florida’s Estuaries and Responses of Oysters, Seagrass, and Other Animal and Plant Life

SG138/SGEF-218 by Ashley R. Smyth, H. Dail Laughinghouse, Laura K. Reynolds, Edward V. Camp, and Karl HavensApril 15, 2024Florida’s economically important estuaries could be heavily impacted by sea-level rise and altered river flow, both caused by climate change. The resulting higher salinity, or saltiness of the water, could harm plants and animals, alter fish, and bird habitat, and reduce the capacity of estuaries to provide such important services as seafood production and the protection of shorelines from erosion. This publication contains information for stakeholders, students, scientists, and environmental agencies interested in understanding how changes in salinity impact Florida’s estuaries.

Ocean Acidification: Effects on Sponges

FA263/FA263by Ocean Acidification: Effects on SpongesJune 13, 2024Approximately 30% of the carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere has been absorbed by the world’s oceans. As CO2 emissions increase due to human activities so does the amount of CO2 absorbed by the oceans. Carbon dioxide lowers the pH of the ocean system, causing ocean acidification (OA). The effects of OA on economically and ecologically important aquatic species is a subject of interest. Sponges are important reef-associated species that provide shelter for fish and crustaceans in reef habitats and can also structure ecosystems through bioerosion, water filtration, and colonization of coral reef areas. This publication considers the effects of OA on marine sponges, with a focus on Florida’s coral reef.  

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FMNP Coastal Systems-a hybrid experience

Ana ZangronizMay 17th, 2022By Ana Zangroniz & Laura Tiu Earlier this month, my esteemed colleague Laura Tiu (Walton County Florida Sea Grant Agent), and I concluded our first hybrid Florida Master Naturalist Program (FMNP) course. We taught Coastal Systems following on the heels of a successful fully virtual Freshwater Systems course that we offered last summer. During 2021, […]

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