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Mental Health

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Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace

Morgan RothMay 21st, 2024Written by Angelika Keene, Community Development Agent Employers have increasingly become concerned with their employees’ mental health and well-being, especially since the pandemic. Recent studies conducted after the pandemic reported workers having an increase in mental health symptoms such as feelings of guilt (24%), insomnia (38%), irritability (50%), sadness (53%), and emotional exhaustion (54%). According to the […]

Relieve Stress with Creativity Therapy

Hillary AyersMay 17th, 2024Have you ever heard of creativity therapy? Creativity therapy is the use of drawing, painting, writing, sculpting, or playing music as a form of stress relief. It is similar to art therapy, but creativity therapy is a more general term for using creativity on your own to help relieve your own stress. Similar to meditation, […]

The Value of Community Gardens: Mental Health Impact

Julia SirchiaMay 16th, 2024What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about community gardens? You may be picturing a patch of land dedicated to growing fruits and veggies collaboratively, or a collection of individual plots. And you would be correct. But if you take a closer look, you’ll see much more than plants, these […]

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