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June 2024 First Friday with Florida First Detector

Morgan PinkertonJune 10th, 2024Recap of June 2024 First Friday with Florida First Detector In June, we dove into the basics of nematodes. Nematodes are all around the word, many are free living and some are parasitic on plants and animals. On plants, their damage can look similar to a lot of other things that go wrong with plants […]

February 2024 First Friday with Florida First Detector

Morgan PinkertonFebruary 5th, 2024Recap of February 2024 First Friday with Florida First Detector In this month’s webinar, we talked about plant pathogens. A pathogen is any organism that causes disease. Some pathogens that can impact plants include fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes and more. When we are checking our plants for issues, we look for both signs and symptoms. […]

UF-led research to help cope with parasitic nematodes, which cause $125B in crop losses worldwide

Brad BuckAugust 24th, 2022Parasitic nematodes are responsible for about $125 billion in annual crop loss worldwide, and they can cause farmers to lose up to 80% of their tomato yield. “The situation with nematodes is exacerbated by an emerging concern in agriculture: the effect of warming nighttime temperatures. This unprecedented trend is causing critical challenges to crops,” said University […]

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