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Toma de decisiones

La Extensión Cooperativa tiene como objetivo proporcionar información basada en la ciencia para ayudar a varios grupos de clientes a tomar mejores decisiones. Las publicaciones de EDIS incluyen lineamientos básicos a la toma de decisiones utilizando análisis de campo de fuerza y ​​un enfoque económico para valorar la información; estrategias para tomar decisiones financieras en familia o resolver problemas éticos dentro de una organización; y planes de estudios 4-H para desarrollar habilidades de toma de decisiones en los jóvenes.


Publicaciones relacionadas en el blog de IFAS

4-H Clubs and Events Encourage Youth To Learn Life Skills

Gus KoernerMay 22nd, 2024All of the programs, projects, and events in our 4-H program are intended to encourage youth to learn life skills. For example: in our fair, we encourage record keeping; in archery, we teach personal safety; and in our camps, we practice cooperation. Life Skills The main goal of the 4-H program is to help young […]

Heart of 4-H: Cultivating Gratitude in Youth

ambernorrisMay 9th, 2024Gift giving occasions can teach youth the benefits of gratitude. These adults may be someone the youth may want to thank.  Many times, around holidays and special occasions we buy gifts for others to show our gratitude.  You may ask yourself, “how can youth give gifts to show their appreciation if they do not have […]

Kindness Rocks in Clay County

Elaine GilesApril 29th, 2024Blog Post By: Payton W., Clay County 4-H Member I believe that one kid can make a difference. I think this because I am a kid and I have started to make a difference in my community. This year, I started a new community service project that has allowed me to leave a permanent mark […]

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