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Veterinary Medicine-Large Animal Clinical Sciences

Editorial Team


A Primer on Genetic Testing for Horse Owners and Breeders

VM261/VM261by Julia L. Ciosek, Carissa Wickens, and Samantha A. BrooksMay 2, 2024With the increasing development of genetic testing and advanced genomic technologies, horse owners and breeders have more opportunities than ever before to learn more about the genetic background of their horses. This publication provides information to help horse owners and breeders understand what genetic testing services are, which genetic tests are available for their horses, and how to locate genetic testing services. Written by Julia L. Ciosek, Carissa Wickens, and Samantha A. Brooks, and published by the Veterinary Medicine—Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, UF/IFAS Extension, April 2024.Critical Issue: 1. Agricultural and Horticultural Enterprises

Livestock Vaccines: Principles, Types, and Important Factors to Consider

VM258/VM258by Juan M. Campos Krauer and João H. J. BittarFebruary 16, 2024This publication presents information on the basic mechanisms and types of livestock vaccines available, as well as a few best practices for vaccine management. This information can help improve your herd health and success in your next herd vaccination. Written by Juan M. Campos Krauer and João H. J. Bittar, and published by the Veterinary Medicine—Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, UF/IFAS Extension, January 2024.Critical Issue: 1. Agricultural and Horticultural Enterprises

Is it coping or is it a vice? Understanding stereotypic behaviors in horses

VM257/VM257by Carissa Wickens and Camie HeleskiFebruary 9, 2024This article will share what science has revealed about stereotypic behaviors, and how this information can be applied to better manage and thus improve the welfare of horses with stereotypic behavior. Written by Carissa Wickens and Camie Heleski, and published by the Veterinary Medicine—Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, UF/IFAS Extension, January 2024.Critical Issue: 1. Agricultural and Horticultural Enterprises

Facts about Wildlife Diseases: Antler Infections and Cranial Abscess Disease in White-Tailed Deer

VM260/VM260by Michael A. Lyons, Amira M. Richardson, Merrie P. Urban, and Juan M. Campos KrauerFebruary 7, 2024This article provides valuable insights into antler infections and cranial abscess disease in white-tailed deer. It emphasizes the importance of addressing these concerns for the species’ conservation and well-being. Written by Michael A. Lyons, Amira M. Richardson, Merrie P. Urban, and Juan M. Campos Krauer, and published by the Veterinary Medicine—Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, UF/IFAS Extension, January 2024.Critical Issue: 1. Agricultural and Horticultural Enterprises

Facts about Wildlife Diseases: Capture Myopathy in Farmed White-Tailed Deer

VM259/VM259by Juan M. Campos KrauerFebruary 7, 2024This publication discusses causes, clinical signs, and ways to reduce risk of capture myopathy in farmed white-tailed deer. Written by Juan M. Campos Krauer, and published by the Veterinary Medicine—Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, UF/IFAS Extension, January 2024.Critical Issue: 1. Agricultural and Horticultural Enterprises