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Risk Management

The process an organization undertakes to minimize financial, health or other risks by identifying potential hazards or adverse effects and by planning for and handling incidents which do occur in such a manner that their effect and cost are minimized.


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Best Management Practices (BMPs)

Best management practices, or BMPs, are cost-efficient processes and activities that improve many aspects of daily life, from healthcare to food service. Agricultural BMPs aim to reduce water use and water quality impacts on farms and ranches while improving or maintaining soil. Additional BMPs focus on forestry practices and lawn care. In Florida, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) adopts by rule specific BMP manuals as a part of the state’s water quality policy.


A systematic approach to be used in food processing as a means to assure food safety. [NALT]

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a systematic preventive approach to food safety and pharmaceutical safety that addresses physical, chemical and biological hazards as a means of prevention rather than finished product inspection. HACCP is used in the food industry to identify potential food safety hazards, so that key actions, known as Critical Control Points (CCPs), can be taken to reduce or eliminate the risk of the hazards being realized. The system is used at all stages of food production and preparation processes including packaging, distribution, etc. [AGROVOC]


A Guide for Volunteer Organizations to Assess Risk

WC414/AEC753by Matt BengeApril 1, 2022Volunteer organizations help communities in a variety of ways, and volunteers serve in various capacities relating to projects, goals, and tasks. With these varying roles, there are possible risks that volunteers, clients, and the organization can encounter. Risk management is a tool that many volunteer organizations and volunteer leaders should consider when thinking of the safety and protection of their organization and its volunteers. This new 4-page publication of the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication provides a brief guide to the risk management model. Written by Matt Benge.

An Overview of Risk Management Planning

FY1482/FCS3351 by Martie Gillen and Beatrice PierreJune 18, 2019

Biosecurity and Biological Risk Management for Livestock Enterprises

AN194/AN194 by Matt Hersom, Max Irsik, and Todd ThriftSeptember 24, 2020

Risk Management Planning for Agricultural Business Owners

FY1485/FCS3354 by Martie Gillen and Beatrice PierreSeptember 11, 2019

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