Farming Systems
The farming system is defined as a decision-making unit comprising the farm household, cropping systems, and livestock systems, which transforms land, external inputs (seed, pesticides, nutrients, etc.), and labor (including knowledge) into useful products that can be consumed or sold. [NALT]
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Climate-Smart Agriculture
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is agriculture that sustainably increases productivity, resilience (adaptation), reduces/removes green house gases (mitigation), and enhances achievement of national fool security and development goals.
Related Topics: Farming Systems, Tillage
Related Topics: Farming Systems, Forestry, Grazing Lands
Small Farms
Farms with less than $250,000 gross receipts annually, on which day-to-day labor and management are provided by the farmer and/or the farm family that owns the production or owns, or leases, the productive assets. [NALT]
Urban Agriculture
Urban agriculture (UA) is defined as the production of crop and livestock goods within cities and towns.
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