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4-H Horse and Pony Lease

E. L. Johnson and Wendy DeVito


In the Florida 4-H Horse Lease Program, the same animal may be leased by up to three 4-H members and all Lessees must conform to the requirements of the Florida 4-H Equine Program. Refer to the current year "Florida 4-H Area & State Horse Shows Official Rules" for current rules regarding leasing a horse. Also in the current rulebook are the class entry rules for sharing a horse in the Area and State 4-H Horse shows.

This lease form is to be used as an agreement between one Lessee and the Horse owner. If other Lessees are sharing the Horse, they must each complete a separate lease form.

This lease form was designed to cover the basic agreement between a 4-H member and a horse owner. If either party prefers to delete or edit any of the wording, or add more wording, it may be done as long as both parties agree and it does not alter any lease rules required by 4-H. Members of the general public leasing the same Horse as a 4-H youth are not required to use this particular form. However, anyone involved in a horse lease is encouraged to have similar agreements spelled out in writing.

This document contains the forms that might be needed for one 4-H'er to lease a horse: a page of instructions, a page of advice, the 3-page lease form, and 2 copies of the addendum (if up to two others are sharing Horse).

To continue reading, download the entire PDF version (187 KB) of 4-H Horse and Pony Lease at

A Lease Agreement is between the Lessor and Lessee – University of Florida, IFAS, and 4-H are not parties in this lease and have no rights or responsibilities in any of its terms. Rules stated regarding leasing are to ensure that a 4-H'er is formally leasing a horse for 4-H project purposes. Any suggestions for completing the lease are given so both parties can enter the agreement with as much information as possible. This publication is not meant as legal advice, nor is it meant to replace counsel from an attorney.