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Pasture Prep: How to Test Soil, Fertilize, Control Weeds and More

Rod GrederMay 7th, 2024What is the fundamental key for successfully keeping horses, producing beef or pasturing poultry, pigs or small ruminants? It is the quality of grass you are raising. If you have a trust fund, you can feed expensive hay. The rest of us depend on grass. Perceptive livestock producers understand they are “grass farmers,” first and […]

Highly Pathogenic Bird Flu and its potential impact on Florida Livestock

Jonael BosquesMay 3rd, 2024The production of food and fiber is an extremely risky endeavor. Farmers and ranchers are at the mercy of the elements. Mark Twain said it best: “Farming is simply gambling with dirt”. Taking calculated risks and preventive measures can significantly impact what we do when feeding the world. Today we will be discussing an emerging […]

Awareness and Preparation: Avoiding Potential Scams When Buying or Selling Cattle Online

Kalan RoyalJanuary 4th, 2024In a world dominated by technology many producers have taken advantage of using the internet for buying and marketing cattle. While the internet can serve as a great tool to reach a broader audience of potential customers, there is an added risk when selling online that many are unaware of. Scam artists have begun infiltrating […]

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