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MyPlate (Información sobre Mi Plato)

MyPlate es la representación gráfica hecha por el Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA) para representar un enfoque saludable de la alimentación que promueve la salud y reduce el riesgo de enfermedades. El gráfico utiliza un entorno de lugar para ilustrar los cinco grupos de alimentos para la familia: verduras, frutas, granos, alimentos proteicos y productos lácteos. Elegir alimentos ricos en nutrientes en cantidades que apoyen un peso saludable es clave para construir una dieta saludable.

Publicaciones relacionadas en el blog de IFAS

Marion County workshop to promote healthy lifestyles

Megan WinslowApril 29th, 2024About 65% of Marion County residents are overweight, just about mirroring the state average. But by coupling edible gardening with positive nutrition, the organizers of an Ocala workshop hope to inspire healthy lifestyles among the county’s residents and possibly beyond. On Thursday, 54 people are expected to participate in Plant to Plate, a program presented […]

April is Water Conservation Month!

Julia SirchiaApril 26th, 2024April is Water Conservation Month. We all know how important water is for our gardens and lawns here in Central Florida. Now that warmer weather is approaching, we tend to use more water, especially from our sprinkler systems. Lets talk about the balance of keeping our plants healthy and using water wisely, since drought conditions […]

The Value of Community Gardens: Social Impact

Julia SirchiaApril 25th, 2024What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about community gardening? You may be picturing a patch of land dedicated to growing fruits and veggies collaboratively, or a collection of individual plots. And you would be correct. But if you take a closer look, you’ll see much more than plants, these […]