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FAQs: Publishing on EDIS

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Publishing on EDIS

How do I publish something I've written on EDIS?

EDIS is a collection of official UF/IFAS publications. The publishers are the academic departments and the Extension Program Areas. Authors should familiarize themselves withDeveloping Extension Publications for EDIS. In order to be published on EDIS, a publication must:

  • have been peer-reviewed by internal and external reviewers, and be approved for publication by Department Chair, Center Director (if applicable) and Extension Program Leader.
  • continue to be supported by a current member of the faculty of one of the UF/IFAS academic departments.
  • be reviewed or revised at least once every three years.
  • be submitted for publication online at:

ICS editorial staff work with authors to provide assistance with the publication process.

For additional information please contact the ICS editor assigned to your department.

How do I prepare my manuscript?

Manuscripts that are carefully prepared will take less time to process. EDIS Editorial Staff has prepared aManuscript Submittal Checklistwhich should be submitted to your editor along with your Microsoft Word document and any associated files. In addition to collecting the necessary information about the authors and the publication history, it lists the following manuscript requirements:

  • Text:
    • Is in MS Word
    • Has been peer reviewed as defined by my tenure department's guidelines.
    • Uses a consistent style, such as Chicago Manual of Style
    • Has had all hyperlinks tested
    • Includes appropriate and complete references and citations
    • Includes a separate list of all captions and credits
  • Figures:
    • All figures are included as separate files in JPEG format; 300 DPI; maximum 1000 pixels wide x 2600 pixels high for single column; and maximum 1800 pixels wide x 2600 pixels high for double column
    • All copyright issues are settled
    • All necessary permissions are included
    • Captions with credits are included for each figure
    • Figure callouts appear in the text. E.g.,
      &ltFigure 1: filename.jpg&gt 
  • Tables:
    • Tables are included in the Microsoft Word file
    • Complex tables have been created in Microsoft Excel
    • Table callouts have been included in the text. E.g.,
      &ltTable 1: filename.xls&gt

What is a Digital Library Number (DLN)?

The DLN is the Digital Library Number assigned to IFAS publications for storage in the document database. It is the filename which appears at the end of the URL for an EDIS publication, and is the number which is used for ordering print-on-demand copies. Some departments have also begun using the DLN as an IFAS Publication Number (IPN) to keep things simple. DLN prefixes are assigned before initial publication according to the original publishing department or series, which may change over time. The title footnote on the publication itself should be considered the official source of information about a publication's provenance.

Publications in EDIS may be found with DLN numbers beginning with the following prefixes:

  • 4H -- 4-H
  • AA -- Agricultural Extension Agent
  • AC -- Alternative Crops
  • AE -- Agricultural Engineering
  • AG -- Aquatic Weed Guide
  • AN -- Animal Science
  • CD -- Community Development
  • CG -- Citrus Pest Management Guide
  • CH -- Citrus Handbook
  • CN -- Commercial Nursery
  • CR -- Center for Natural Resources
  • CV -- Commercial Vegetable Production
  • DH -- Disaster Handbook
  • DS -- Dairy Science
  • EH -- Energy Handbook
  • EP -- Environmental Horticulture
  • FA -- Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
  • FE -- Food and Resource Economics
  • FR -- Forestry Resources and Conservation
  • FS -- Food Safety
  • FY -- Family Youth and Community Sciences
  • HB -- Herbarium
  • HE -- Home Economics (now FYCS)
  • HR -- Human Resources
  • HS -- Horticultural Sciences
  • IG -- Insect Management Guide
  • IN -- Entomology and Nematology
  • LH -- Florida Lawn Handbook
  • MB -- Microbiology and Cell Science
  • MG -- Master Gardener
  • MV -- Minor Vegetables
  • NFREC -- North Florida REC
  • NG -- Nematode Management Guide
  • PD -- Program Development
  • PG -- Plant Disease Management Guide
  • PI -- Pesticide Information Office
  • PP -- Plant Pathology
  • PS -- Poultry Science
  • RM -- Marketing
  • SC -- Sugarcane Handbook
  • SG -- Sea Grant
  • SN -- Sales
  • SR -- Services and Resources
  • SS -- Soil and Water Sciences
  • ST -- Southern Trees
  • TR -- Tropical REC
  • UW -- Wildlife Resources
  • VH -- Vegetable Handbook
  • VM -- Veterinary Medicine
  • WC -- Writing and Communication
  • WG -- Weed Management Guide
  • WI -- Water and Irrigation
  • WQ -- Water Quality

What is an IFAS Publication Number (IPN)?

The IFAS Publication Number is a reference number assigned to official, UF/IFAS supported publications. New IFAS publication numbers are usually assigned to a document as part of the communications review. Please contact your ICS editor for specific instructions. Publications fall into three general categories:

Fact Sheet:

A brief (usually 8 pages or less) document providing a summary or general overview of one topic or the results of specific activities. They are usually suitable for a general audience. Fact sheets bear numbers with department prefixes, such as "FCS" for Family, Youth and Community Sciences, "WEC" or "SS-WEC" for Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. When searching by IFAS publication number for a specific fact sheet, enter the prefix and number without dashes or spaces. (e.g., enter "FCS8728SP" for Fact Sheet FCS-8728-Sp: "Buena Nutrición para la Salud Oral")


Usually longer than Fact Sheets, Circulars provide detailed information about one subject. They are usually suitable for a general audience but may be more technical than a fact sheet. A Circular may be broken up into multiple fact sheets for display on EDIS, but may also be available in as a single print publication. When searching by IFAS Publication Number for a specific circular, enter "CIR" and then the number without punctuation or spaces. (e.g., enter "CIR879" for Circular 879: "Bobwhite Quail Production")


Bulletins cover a broad subject area and usually contain more technical information. Bulletins are in origin publication of the Agricultural Research Station. When searching by IFAS Publication Number for a specific bulletin, enter "BUL" and then the number without punctuation or spaces. (e.g., enter "BUL846" for Bulletin 846: "Mole Crickets in Florida")

For Sale Publications:

Publications available for sale through theIFAS Bookstore have publication numbers beginning with the prefix "SP". When searching by IFAS publication number for a specific for sale publication, enter "SP" and number without dashes or spaces. (e.g., enter "SP191" for SP-191: "A Guide to Environmentally Friendly Landscaping: Florida Yards and Neighborhoods Handbook")

Which elements of a custom PDF are required?

A custom PDF requires the same elements as the pdfs generated by the EDIS Authoring Tool. The only difference is that the person creating a custom pdf must ensure that the pdf follows IFAS publication guidelines, whereas the Authoring Tool does this automatically. The essential requirements are as follows, and should match the information entered into the EDIS database:

  • Current UF/IFAS wordmark in prominent position.

    Typically in upper left hand corner of fact sheets, but may be on the title page, title page verso, or colophon of book length publications.
  • Publication Number.

    Typically in the upper right hand corner for ease of reference.
  • Publication history

    A current date of publication must be in evidence on the publication. Publications with dates more than three years in the past may not be entered onto EDIS.

Additional requirements of custom pdfs are technical in nature:

  • must be less than 15 MB in size (negotiable, contact IT if this is an issue)
  • non-system fonts should be embedded in the pdf. PDFs generated from Word Perfect are especially problematic.

The following are not required, but recommended for custom PDFs

  • Active hyperlinks

    One advantage custom PDFs have over the EAT-generated pdfs is that the Authoring Tool does not create PDFs with live hyperlinks. A pdf with hyperlinks is likely to rank better with search engines and be more useful to readers.
  • Standard page size.

    It is possible to create pdfs that do not have standard page sizes. Please consider carefully before deviating from an 8-1/2 by 11 format.

Editorial Contacts

See theEDIS Services pageon the ICS website for a list of the EDIS editorial contacts and the departments for which they are responsible.

How should a document be noted when the original author has left the faculty?

When a new faculty member assumes responsibility (makes revisions) for a publication for a faculty member who has left, the new faculty member’s name should be on the publication with the former faculty member. At the first revision the new faculty member should be the jr. author and after the second (and subsequent) revisions they become the sr. author. A statement in footnote should state, “original written by: __, former faculty member; revised by: __.” —[electronic memorandum, 1/15/2008]

How do I add my EDIS publications to EndNote Web?

To import your EDIS publications, you will need to first generate a list of your EDIS publications using the IFAS publication search tool. You can begin the process by navigating to (link opens in a new window).

Type your name into the author field, and click the “Search” button. This will generate a list of any EDIS publications which contain your name in the author field. Above your results list, you will see an option to “Output your results in EndNote format” and a button labeled “Export.” Clicking the “Export” button will provide you with your list of EDIS publications in EndNote format.

Once you have your EDIS publication list in EndNote format, you will need to save the output as a text file. To do this, open the “File” menu on your web browser and click “Save.” Give the file a name, be sure to select “Text (.txt)” from the file type drop down menu, and then save the file. You now have a complete list of your EDIS publications in a format that can be imported into EndNote Web.

To begin the import process, log into your EndNote Web account and select the “Collect” option from the EndNote Web main menu. Then click on the “Import References” option from the following menu.

To import your EDIS publication list, begin by clicking the “Browse” button. You will then be asked to select the text file you created in the previous step. Next, select “EndNote Import” from the filter list. Finally, use the last drop down selection to determine into which folder you would like to import your EDIS publications.

The EDIS publications listed in your file will now be added to the EndNote Web folder you specified. These can now be edited, moved, or otherwise managed just as you would any other reference. For publications with more than one author, the author field will need to be edited to format it into a semicolon-delimited list.

This information is adapted from an illustrated pdf available at:

What is EDIS?

EDIS is the Electronic Data Information Source of UF/IFAS Extension, a collection of information on topics relevant to you.More...