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Habitat Conservation

The preservation, maintenance, protection, restoration and enhancement of habitats for wild species.

Related IFAS Blog Posts

Weekly “What is it?”: Community Health and Resource Management (CHARM) Tool

carriestevensonJune 26th, 2024One aspect I really love about my work with Extension is the incredible network of creative, helpful, and extraordinarily knowledgeable people it gives me quick access to. In 2010, I had no idea how to respond when an oil spill was approaching local beaches. So, I dialed up a natural resource agent with University of […]

Weekly “What is it?”: Lion’s Mane

carriestevensonMay 23rd, 2024My husband’s best friend was a nature nerd like me. If I didn’t know what something was, Anthony was the first person I’d send a photo to for identification help. We lost him unexpectedly last year, but he shows up in small ways for us almost daily. After that round of storms blew through the […]

Weekly “What is it?”: Chocolate

carriestevensonMay 16th, 2024I have always had a sweet tooth. While some folks prefer their sweetness in fruit or fruity candy, my go-to has always been chocolate. So, you can imagine my delight upon learning our national meeting for Extension natural resource agents would be held in Hershey, Pennsylvania. I just returned from the meeting last week, and […]

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