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Bougainvillea are daytime beacons of color

Ralph MitchellDecember 1st, 2023What is catching my eye in our landscapes these days?  Bright and beautiful bougainvillea, of course!  Bougainvillea are blooming profusely right now and will continue on through the winter for eight weeks or more.  Perfect as a flowering vine, the bougainvillea is also adaptable as a hedge, in hanging baskets, an accent plant or pruned […]

Q: My bougainvillea was planted in the shade and I have had no blooms. What can I do to make my plant bloom?

BLOGS.IFASJuly 7th, 2017Q: My bougainvillea was planted in the shade and I have had no blooms. I have used several different kinds of fertilizers but still no blooms. What can I do to make my plant bloom? A: This is a case of Right Plant/Right Place. Bougainvillea will grow in a variety of soil types, is highly […]

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