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Recent & Revised Publications
25,000 to 30,000
# of bees needed to survive the winter
A healthy colony consisting of 25,000 to 30,000 bees is an adequate size for overwintering success.
Proper Temperature for Baby Chicks
Newly hatched chicks need to be maintained at 95°F for the first week of their lives. After the first week, chicks can tolerate temperatures 5°F cooler for each week until they are four weeks old.
Pest Management Jobs
The Florida pest management industry accounted for more than 14% of the industry’s establishments in 2021
13% of people
Food Insecure in the U.S.
Urban agriculture provides diverse benefits and support to local communities. However, there are also limitations to developing or expanding operations and programs.
$4.09 per lb. of N
Value of Denitrification
Based on the average wastewater treatment cost of N removal for Florida Counties. One of the ecosystem functions of Living Shorelines is enhanced denitrification.