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MyPlate (Información sobre Mi Plato)

MyPlate es la representación gráfica hecha por el Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA) para representar un enfoque saludable de la alimentación que promueve la salud y reduce el riesgo de enfermedades. El gráfico utiliza un entorno de lugar para ilustrar los cinco grupos de alimentos para la familia: verduras, frutas, granos, alimentos proteicos y productos lácteos. Elegir alimentos ricos en nutrientes en cantidades que apoyen un peso saludable es clave para construir una dieta saludable.

Publicaciones relacionadas en el blog de IFAS

Pollinator Appreciation Month

Julia SirchiaJune 27th, 2024June is Pollinator Month! Pollinators are crucial for the reproduction of all kinds of plants. You’ve thought about where a baby comes from, but have you ever thought where a peach comes from? Let’s explore why June is dedicated to these essential creatures. What are pollinators? Pollinators have a critical role in plant reproduction. There […]

Ways to Water: Overhead Irrigation

Julia SirchiaJune 25th, 2024What is the go-to way you water your garden? There is not one way to water your garden, in this series we will explore the importance of watering your plants, or irrigation. There are several methods of watering the garden. One of these methods is overhead watering. What is overhead irrigation? Overhead irrigation mainly refers […]

Summer Style! ABCs of Edible Gardening for Your Newcomer Kit

Mindy HanakJune 14th, 2024Yes, you CAN grow food in Florida year-round. BUT it is important to take a few things into consideration before taking the sweaty plunge into hot season vegetable gardening. Here we aim to share garden tasks and ideas that are seasonally appropriate for Florida in the summer. You can pick and choose what suits your […]