Florida 4-H Shotgun Record Book

Julie P. Dillard and Gerald Culen


Table 1. 

Start Date

Completion Date




Club Name


Goals of the National 4-H Shooting Sports Program

  • Teach decision-making, teamwork, self-discipline, self-confidence, and problem solving.
  • Promote the highest standards of safety, sportsmanship, and ethical behavior.
  • Encourage and appreciate an understanding of natural resources.
  • Develop leadership abilities.
  • Build character and willingness to assume citizenship responsibility.
  • Furnish enjoyable, positive relationships with peers and adult instructors.
  • Strengthen families through participation in lifelong recreational activities.
  • Build awareness of related career opportunities.

The purpose of the Florida 4-H Shotgun Project Book is to help you document your growth, development, and progress as a 4-H member.


Your Goals and Objectives for the Year

What do you want to achieve by participating in the 4-H Shotgun Project? Answering this will help you identify your goals for the year.

Identifying goals and objectives helps you become more skilled and knowledgeable and helps track your growth and progress.

Goals are statements of things you want to achieve or improve.

Objectives are the things you need to do to reach your goals.


Table 2. 

List three goals for your 4-H Shooting Sports project this year.

For each goal, list three objectives you need to accomplish to reach the goal.

Goal 1

Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 3

Goal 2

Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 3

Goal 3

Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 3


Your 4-H Shooting Sports Activities

4-H Club Meetings


Table 3. 

List all 4-H Shooting Sports Club meetings you attended. For each meeting, describe club business conducted, shooting topics, or lessons taught by your coaches.


What business did the club conduct?

What shooting topics/lessons were taught?



Learning Experiences

Plan to take part in two or more of the following learning experiences. Enter your two choices in the Plan to Do column. After you complete the activity, record your activity and the date. Learning Experiences may be added or changed at any time.

Learning Experience examples:

Camp Clinic Competition Demonstration Exhibit Illustrated Talk

Project Judging Presentation Speech Skill-a-thon Tour Workshop


Table 4. 

Learning Experiences in which you participated.

Plan to Do

What You Did




Community Service/Service, Learning, and Leadership


Table 5. 

Plan to participate in at least two service and/or leadership activities per year. Put an X in the box beside the activities you plan to do, or list an activity of your own in the space provided. Record the date when you complete each chosen activity.

Action Plan



Serve as a teen leader in your club or county program.


Serve as a club officer or county council member.


Work as part of a team to recruit new members to your club.


Help organize a community service project for your club.


Organize a field trip or a visit by a guest speaker for your club.


Volunteer to help with a competitive shooting event.


Arrange for and help set up a hunter education class.


Help with a display or presentation on shooting/firearm safety.



Equipment Inventory


Table 6. 

It is important to keep record of things that you own. Use this form to list all the equipment and accessories you own and use for your 4-H shotgun project.

Item Description

Date Purchased or Acquired

Purchase or Replacement Cost

Serial Number

Date Sold or Traded



Financial Record


Table 7. 

Record purchases made during the year that support your 4-H shotgun project. List expendable items (things you use up) like ammunition and targets as well as firearm purchases. Remember to add these items to your inventory.


Description of Item Purchased







Shotgun Practice Sessions Record


Table 8. 


What You Practiced




Competitions and Placings Record


Table 9. 






Pictures, Programs, and Memorabilia

Table 10. Pictures, Programs, and Memorabilia

Attach Items Here



National 4-H Shooting Sports Program. (2004). National 4-H Shooting Sports. Accessed on October 19, 2017. http://www.4-hshootingsports.org/

The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. (2008). Shotgun member record book. CFAES Publications. Accessed on October 30, 2017. http://estore.osu-extension.org/Shotgun-Member-Record-Book-P143.aspx