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Risk Management for Florida 4-H Youth Development Work: Volunteer and Youth Protection

Written by Paula Davis, Dale Pracht, Janet Psikogios, Kate Fogarty, Jean Hink, and Marilyn N. Norman. Revised by Candi Dierenfield.

This is one publication in the EDIS series Risk Management for 4-H Youth Development Work. This series is intended to prepare UF/IFAS Extension faculty, staff, volunteers, and youth to satisfactorily complete the important task of providing best practices in risk management strategies.

Our goal is to conduct educational events and activities that coincide with the 4-H mission and mandates while protecting the safety of participants, sponsors, property, finances, and the goodwill/reputation of the 4-H name. The inherent risk of events and activities can be mitigated through planning and preparation. This risk management guide has been created to outline ways to prepare for and deal with the specific risks associated with your program.

Early planning is key to conducting successful events and activities. A helpful tool in this process is the planning guide and matrix from another part in this series, EDIS publication #4HFSV90.1, “Pre-Event Planning Guide and Matrix.” As you work through this matrix, questions may arise that are unique to a specific situation and may not be completely answered by the series. Extension faculty and staff should refer these questions to appropriate personnel. Questions that require time for research punctuate the need for early planning.

This publication will focus on basic overall precautions to be taken by everyone involved with 4-H. Another tool is the Risk Management Checklist, which can be used as a guide when planning an activity or event. Find it in another part of this series, EDIS publication #4HFSV373, “Risk Management Checklist.”


It is a privilege to serve as a Florida 4-H Youth Development Program volunteer. Volunteers have an important role in maintaining both a safe environment for 4-H youth and a sense of belonging within the 4-H group and organization.

All volunteers who work with youth in a supervisory role, and/or who work with Florida 4-H on an ongoing basis, will participate in youth protection. Additional information and guidelines for this process are located in the Florida 4-H Policies & Best Management Practices.

Volunteer Selection and Screening

The intent of the UF/IFAS Extension volunteer selection process is to share a common philosophy and follow appropriate protocol to provide safe and secure environments for everyone involved in UF/IFAS Extension's youth programs.

Background screenings are mandatory for all volunteers who will have Care, Custody, or Control of youth, volunteering 10 or more hours a month. For additional information regarding background screenings, please contact your county UF/IFAS Extension 4-H agent. In addition to completing a Level 2 Department of Children and Families (DCF) Clearinghouse background screening, all volunteers must enroll yearly as a volunteer on 4-H Online, complete a notarized Affidavit of Good Moral Character form, and successfully complete the UF Youth Compliance online Youth Protection Training (# YCS800) annually. The training lasts about 30 minutes and includes a brief quiz. The Youth Protection Training can be completed on the UF Youth Compliance website using a web browser. Florida 4-H volunteers should complete the training through 4-H Online annually when renewing volunteer status or as part of the new volunteer onboarding process.

4-H Code of Conduct

4-H volunteers at the local, state, or national level represent the UF/IFAS Extension 4-H Youth Development Program and must abide by the Florida 4-H Code of Conduct found in the Florida 4-H Policies & Best Management Practices.

Volunteer Role

UF/IFAS Extension county directors or their designee may appoint volunteers to positions of program responsibility. Volunteer roles should be clearly defined by county faculty. There are several volunteer role descriptions found in the Volunteer section of the Florida 4-H Policies & Best Management Practices.

Volunteer Reassignment or Dismissal

Volunteers may be reassigned at the discretion of the county director. Volunteer services may cease, at any time, at the request of the volunteer or at the discretion of the UF/IFAS Extension agent. Refer to Florida 4-H Policies & Best Management Practices.

Health Information

It is mandatory for all participants in 4-H programs, including adults to complete the health form. For more information, refer to the Membership and Participation section in Florida 4-H Policies & Best Management Practices.

Treat all health information confidentially, although 4-H activities are not subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) privacy rule. More HIPAA information can be found at

As a volunteer leader, it is beneficial for you to have some basic medical and emergency contact information for members whose parents might not be present. Any information collected for health care reasons within a 4-H setting shall be protected and not shared. In case of an emergency, always call 911 first.

Club Resources

4-H clubs are the foundation for successful club programming. Having the necessary resources can and will help the UF/IFAS Extension 4-H agent and club leader work together in achieving club program success. For more information, refer to Florida 4-H Volunteer Resources.


4-H membership is available to all youth ages 5‒18 without regard to race, color, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or national origin. However, selected projects or programs do have enrollment restrictions. Not all projects or program activities are deemed appropriate for all age ranges due to either developmental appropriateness, safety, or other considerations.

The University of Florida, under the guidelines of ADA and 504 federal legislation, is required to make reasonable accommodations to the known physical and mental limitations of otherwise qualified individuals with disabilities. To help provide the best possible service to students, staff, faculty, and visitors, the University of Florida has an ADA Compliance Office with a coordinator responsible for access for persons with disabilities.

Florida 4-H programs are required to be open to all youth and adult volunteers regardless of religious background or creed.

For more information on inclusiveness within the program, refer to Florida 4-H Policies & Best Management Practices.

Emblem Use

4-H National guidelines and procedures are established for any print or electronic presentation of the 4-H emblem that must be adhered to by UF/IFAS Extension faculty and 4-H volunteers and members. For more information, refer to the Name and Emblem section of Florida 4-H Policies & Best Management Practices and the National 4-H Name and Emblem Use Handbook. Contact your UF/IFAS Extension 4-H agent for more information on Florida 4-H current branding guidelines.

Internet/Social Media Safety

As the Internet becomes more predominant in society, youth are using the web more and more often. In designing UF/IFAS Extension or Florida 4-H websites, youth should not be identified by their names or 4-H clubs.

It is important for adults and youth to be aware of risks associated with Internet use. The Florida 4-H program must handle and monitor the use of personal information in a confidential manner. All Florida 4-H websites must contain the 4-H clover emblem. Using the 4-H clover emblem on an Internet site must adhere to federal regulations. All Florida 4-H websites must link to

Also refer to the UF Social Media Guidelines for posting on social media platforms. When creating social media pages or webpages, see the Registering Accounts section. These UF guidelines state, "Authorization to present a social media account as an official university activity must come from the Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing. A departmental administrator should be provided log-in access to serve as a backup when needed."

For more information, refer to Florida 4-H Policies & Best Management Practices for Websites and Social Media.

Shooting Sports State Plan and Program Guidelines

Under Statute § 790.115 (2023), the possession of firearms, destructive devices, other weapons, and ammunition (for antique firearms, short-barreled shotguns, short-barreled rifles, automatic rifles, and other destructive devices) at any 4-H activity or event is prohibited. An exception is made for education classes to be conducted on properties designated for 4-H use provided the firearms are handled, used, and stored in a safe and responsible manner, and in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Please refer to the Florida 4-H Policies & Best Management Practices, for specific details. Additionally, EDIS publication #4HSFV90.10, "Shooting Sports State Plan and Program Guidelines" is available for an example of this exception, as part of the Risk Management for 4-H Youth Development Work series.


Fla. Stat. § 790.115 (2023). Weapons and firearms.

UF Brand Center. (n.d.). Social media guidelines. Retrieved February 13, 2024, from


Risk Management for 4-H Youth Development Work EDIS series:

Florida 4-H Policies & Best Management Practices:

4-H Online:

UF Youth Compliance:

UF Youth Protection Training:

Florida 4-H Volunteer Resources:

USDA and National 4-H Name and Emblem Use Handbook:

Florida 4-H Home:

UF/IFAS Social Media Guidelines:

UF Social Media Guidelines: