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TAP Sampling for Asian Citrus Psyllid (ACP) Field Sheet

Jawwad A. Qureshi and Phil Stansly

Monitoring ACP populations is an important tool in the integrated management of citrus greening. The most efficient way to estimate field populations of this insect is by monitoring adults. Tap sampling has proven to provide data needed to make informed decisions for managing this insect pest. Other pest and beneficial insects and mites may fall on the sheet and can also be counted. We recommend 10 tap samples in each of the 10 locations per block, 5 on the periphery and 5 in the interior. ACP tends to accumulate on the block periphery, which therefore may require more frequent sprays. For directions on how to sample and what to look for when sampling, this publication is best viewed as a pdf.

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Credit: UF/IFAS