Integrated Pest Management in the Home series: Does your head itch? Facts About Head Lice
Nelly Nelson, LuAnn Duncan, Jenny Rodriguez, Katherine Allen, Karen Stauderman, Lisa Hamilton, and Faith Oi
My head is itchy… could I have head lice? What are head lice? How do people get them? How do people inspect for them? How can people treat head lice? What should schools do about head lice? Will pesticides work? Will home remedies work? What can happen?!
Integrative Pest Management in the Home to the rescue!
The IPM at Home Series is a county faculty initiative intended to provide answers to frequently asked questions about household pests. This publication answers common questions about head lice. Aimed at the general public and delivered in a friendly, matter-of-fact style, it is intended to allay fears and provide practical help for people experiencing a common—and fortunately eminently solvable—problem.