Aquatic and Wetland Plants
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Temas relacionados: Aquatic and Wetland Plants, Malezas
Temas relacionados: Herbicidas
Temas relacionados: Aquatic and Wetland Plants, Native Plants
Nelumbo nucifera Lotus, Sacred Lotus
Pondweeds of Florida
The Ecology of Charophyte Algae (Charales)
Publicaciones relacionadas en el blog de IFAS
Out of the Weeds: Regulatory Nonnative and Invasive Plant Lists
Christine KrebsAugust 28th, 2024This blog was written by Anelise Bullard, UF/IFAS CAIP communications intern. Nonnative and invasive plant lists help communicate species that are harmful to agriculture, natural resources, and/or ecosystems. Species are listed in order to prevent their spread, limit their impacts, and protect our local ecosystems and economy. There are five lists that many people come […]
Why are plants important to aquatic ecosystems?
Christine KrebsFebruary 21st, 2024As Floridians, we love our freshwater resources. Did you know Florida has over 1 million acres of freshwater? That’s about the size of Rhode Island! Many of our fondest memories are of boating, fishing, or water skiing in freshwater systems across the state. Other activities include kayaking our famous spring runs or birdwatching among the […]
Post-Doc Perspective: From the Rainforest to the Swamp
Cayla RomanoAugust 23rd, 2023This blog post was written by Vinícius Londe, a post-doctoral researcher at the UF/IFAS Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants. I grew up in a small city in the countryside of Minas Gerais State, Brazil, and my research interests have their roots there. My grandmothers lived on small farms along a river, where I spent […]
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