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UF/IFAS es un miembro colaborador de Southern Fire Exchange. que se esfuerza por mejorar el acceso y la utilidad de la información científica sobre incendios del sur. SFE Publication and Fact Sheets cubre los siguientes tópicos: Ecología del Fuego y Efectos, Información de la CIencia del Fuego, Programas y Recursos, Fuego Presescrito, Educación Pública, Manejo del Humo, Calidad del Agua y Clima, e Incendio Forestal.


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Be Hurricane Ready: Tips for 4-H members and their Pets

ambernorrisJuly 26th, 2024It is that time a year that we are mindful of being prepared for natural disasters such as hurricanes.  Here are some essential steps4-Hers can take to prepare for natural disasters, particularly when they have animal projects. Take a look at your outside projects and see what should be brought in or secured. You can […]

Save the Dates: Storm Prep “Tax-Free Holiday”

Maria Portelos-RometoMay 18th, 2024As we approach hurricane season, which runs June 1 through Nov. 30, now is the time to create your disaster plan and assemble your supply kit.  As you do, keep in mind that Florida legislators have created two 14-day sales tax holidays for the purchase of disaster supplies. The first runs June 1-14 and the […]

Get Storm-Ready, during May 5-11 National Hurricane Preparedness Week

Maria Portelos-RometoMay 8th, 2024National Hurricane Preparedness Week runs May 5-11. So, let’s take this time to begin preparing for our annual hurricane season, which runs June 1 through Nov. 30. For many of us, preparing for a weather event can be time consuming and overwhelming. We can help. A great way to get ready is to break down […]

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