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UF/IFAS es un miembro colaborador de Southern Fire Exchange. que se esfuerza por mejorar el acceso y la utilidad de la información científica sobre incendios del sur. SFE Publication and Fact Sheets cubre los siguientes tópicos: Ecología del Fuego y Efectos, Información de la CIencia del Fuego, Programas y Recursos, Fuego Presescrito, Educación Pública, Manejo del Humo, Calidad del Agua y Clima, e Incendio Forestal.


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cgoodingMarch 27th, 2024Organized and sponsored by Florida Sea Grant, the “Stem to Stern” workshop in November 2023 at the Emerald Coast Convention Center marked a significant gathering in marine conservation and management. This event drew together legal experts, representatives from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), local marine resource coordinators, law enforcement, and industry stakeholders […]

4-H Kids Learn Outdoor Skills in the Hunting Discipline

Gus KoernerJanuary 11th, 2024In Florida 4-H, there are five shooting sports disciplines: archery, rifle, shotgun, muzzleloading, and hunting. While all are popular among kids and families, the hunting discipline is the most varied. Kids love it because they learn useful, and sometimes somewhat dangerous, skills. Yes, dangerous! Dangerous Lessons The hunting discipline teaches outdoor skills other than the […]

Post-Hurricane Landscaping Tips: Pines in Decline

Ashley EllisSeptember 29th, 2023Florida is no stranger to the powerful forces of hurricanes that sweep through its landscapes, leaving devastation in their wake. Hurricane Idalia, Ian, and Irma have all drastically impacted our local landscapes in recent years. While immediate attention is often focused on the visible damage (ex. uprooted trees, down limbs, etc.) caused by these storms, […]

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