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Raising the Bar: How to Improve Beef Cattle Reproduction for a More Viable Operation

Jonael BosquesAugust 16th, 2023Did you know that Florida ranks 9th in the nation when it comes to cow-calf numbers? Beef cattle production was instrumental in building Florida’s economy. Our state was the first to have a beef industry, and today, more than 500 years after the first Spanish cow set hoof on our soil, local economies are still […]

Are Your Bulls Breeding Ready?

Bridget SticeNovember 9th, 2022We don’t want to take guesses as to whether our bulls are breeding ready, we need to make all assurances possible that they are.  The herd sire contributes 50% of the genetic potential for the calf crop.  One bull that doesn’t perform as expected can result in significant economic losses.  Therefore, it is critical that […]

A Taste of Tradition: 65th Annual Cracker Day Returns

Wendy MussolineApril 5th, 2022What is Cracker Day? After two years’ hiatus due to some creepy crawly virus, Cracker Day returns with a vengeance.  Where else can you go to eat beef that’s been slow-grilled over Blackjack oak all night long, enjoy professional bull riding by the Rough Riders and watch kids try to lay on a goat backwards […]

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