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Grocery Shopping for Your Health: Rice, pasta, and other grains

November 5th, 2021In our last post in the “Grocery Shopping for Your Health” series, we focused on nuts, peanuts, and peanut butter. Today, we move on to rice, pasta and other grains. Pasta is one of those fast, inexpensive and easy meals to prepare, especially if you don’t have the time or desire to make your own […]

Eating Like A Superhero!

anikolaiSeptember 9th, 2021Ever wonder what heroes eat to keep their powers? Look no further! Let’s dive into what it takes to eat like a superhero and how the food groups increase their power! The following is based on recommendations for children aged 2-8 years from Dynamite Dairy Heroes need to be able to take a hit […]

Ancient Grains Explained

Samantha KennedyOctober 9th, 2019Article and audio introduction by Samantha Kennedy, Family and Consumer Sciences There are always a number of nutritional trends out there, with a new one emerging nearly every day. Some of the more recent trends include the increased consumption of “superfoods” such as acai berries, pomegranate juice, and kale. However, one of the more enduring […]

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