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Reducing Handling Stress Improves Livestock Productivity

Bridget SticeOctober 19th, 2017As we head into the marking and branding season, now is a good time to think about the impact of stress on cattle productivity. Stress induced by handling agitates and excites animals, resulting in elevated body temperature, increased heart rate, high glucocorticoid values, and reduced immune function. This all translates into reduced productivity which costs […]

New BQA Video Series on Cattle Handling

Doug MayoApril 10th, 2012Cattle producers have a new, high tech resource to learn tips on handling cattle, facility design, transportation, the different stages of production and much more. An internet video series, funded through the Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) )Program’s Beef Checkoff, provides informative interviews with cattle handling experts. This is a great tool to train people whether […]

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