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Hydroponics with Hannah—Virtual & In Person Hydroponics Workshops Fall 2023

Hannah WootenSeptember 27th, 2023I just love growing food hydroponically! Why? I am more likely to harvest it and eat it, too. Over 600,000 YouTubers love how I teach hydroponics in 8 minutes. You can get growing with that free video, but maybe it only ‘wet’ your appetite? If you are hungry for more hydroponics, let’s get growing together […]

Growing lettuce in non-traditional areas of Florida

Lourdes MederosAugust 25th, 2023BY JESSE MURRAY Each year, U.S. farmers produce enough lettuce to feed everyone in the country. Up to 73% of U.S. lettuce comes from California producers and is distributed nationwide through extensive retail chains. Lettuce grown in Florida accounts for 3% of the national total, and has a unique market window during the winter months. […]

4-H Summer Internships in Miami

Kenan BridgesMarch 23rd, 2023Miami-Dade 4-H offers comprehensive summer internships for rising 10th through 12th-grade high school students enrolled in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. The program is a 5-week work-based learning experience in partnership with Miami-Dade County Public Schools Summer Youth Internship Program. Internship opportunities are listed below. Each internship requires the completion of 150 hours during the five-week […]

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