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2018 Rainfall in Lafayette County

Chris VannJanuary 23rd, 2019Florida’s climate is characterized by wet and dry seasons with rain predominantly occurring between the months of June through October. The average amount of rain for Lafayette County is 55-56 inches per year. The oldest official rainfall records for Lafayette County that I have seen begin in 1950. The wettest year was 1964 with 93.91 […]

Lafayette 4-H Club Attends 4-H University

J. JohnsonSeptember 6th, 2017“To Make The Best Better”     This year has been very exciting for Lafayette 4-H Club. There has been a growing interest from the older youth and the younger kids are taking note of the excitement. Lafayette County had 6 youth attend this years 4-H University on July 31 – August 3, 2017. All […]

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