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Aquatic and Wetland Plants

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Why are plants important to aquatic ecosystems?

Christine KrebsFebruary 21st, 2024As Floridians, we love our freshwater resources. Did you know Florida has over 1 million acres of freshwater? That’s about the size of Rhode Island! Many of our fondest memories are of boating, fishing, or water skiing in freshwater systems across the state. Other activities include kayaking our famous spring runs or birdwatching among the […]

Post-Doc Perspective: From the Rainforest to the Swamp

Cayla RomanoAugust 23rd, 2023This blog post was written by Vinícius Londe, a post-doctoral researcher at the UF/IFAS Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants.  I grew up in a small city in the countryside of Minas Gerais State, Brazil, and my research interests have their roots there. My grandmothers lived on small farms along a river, where I spent […]

Stop Those Plants! How You Can Prevent the Spread of Invasive, Aquatic Plants

Raychel RabonJuly 5th, 2022Aquatic Plants and How They Spread Two things are a given in Florida: hot, humid weather and lots of boat traffic. Have you ever looked over the side of a boat and seen a thick, dark green mat of plant material underwater the water or touching the surface? Chances are, you have. What you saw […]

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