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Monitoring gastrointestinal parasite loads in Florida sheep and goat operations

Jonael BosquesJuly 26th, 2022Gastrointestinal parasites are one of the many unforeseen challenges in livestock production. Some animals have the ability of coping with these burdensome organisms, but some individuals in our herds or flocks will never develop the resistance to thrive in this harsh environment. Haemonchus contortus, also known as the barber pole worm, affects many species of […]

Deworm Your Horse the Modern Way

Brittany JustesenJuly 10th, 2020Out with the old, in with the new. New deworming methods that is. In the past horse owners would deworm their horses every four to eight weeks to treat for intestinal parasites, but that is an outdated and incorrect method for treating intestinal parasites. By rotating dewormers every four to eight weeks you are creating […]

Got a fish health question?

Betty StauglerAugust 15th, 2016Every so often I receive photos taken by anglers who have observed fish abnormalities while fishing. The typical question I get is, do you know what this is? If not, can you help me find someone who does? Regardless of whether or not I know the answer, my response is always the same; report it […]