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The Boys Are Back in Town

Lara MilliganFebruary 8th, 2024If you are allergic to oak trees or pine trees, you’re about ready to cry, or perhaps you already are because your eyes are so watery you can’t see. I wrote about pollen in a previous blog, and can’t seem to stay away from the topic. Pollen is often evident on our cars this time […]

New Episode from Naturally Florida – “When You Think of Pines, I hope You Think of Pinecones”

Lara MilliganApril 17th, 2023We have all probably interacted with pinecones in some way, whether we collected them to start a bon fire, rolled them in peanut butter to create a bird feeder, or avoided them during pollen season. Pine trees produce pinecones, a unique seed with a fascinating science and ecological importance for Florida’s ecosystems.   This episode explores […]

What Is This Yellow Stuff on My Car?

Lara MilliganFebruary 13th, 2023It’s love! Love is in the air. It is Valentine’s month after all 😉 I’m only slightly kidding. What’s making your car yellow is pollen. If you’re not a plant person, you probably don’t think much about pollen, other than it being a nightmare for allergies. I couldn’t help but do a quick search for […]

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