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Festive Feasting with a Healthy Twist

Hillary AyersNovember 29th, 2023The end of the year is almost here and we all know that means holidays and celebrations are in full swing. The best part of any celebration (besides friends and family, of course)? All of the delicious food! While the food we consume around this time of year is no doubt delicious, it also tends […]

Seafood for the Holidays!

Scott JacksonNovember 20th, 2023A New Tradition Holiday dinners often involve ham and turkey. After six weeks, you might think turkey is for the birds! In Florida, many families serve a coastal catch or two by adding fresh seafood to their meals during this festive season. Seafood is a delicious way to enhance a favorite dish and it delivers […]

Fall Is Here And Pumpkins Are Everywhere!

Hillary AyersOctober 10th, 2023Fall is here, which means cooler weather, fall fun, and pumpkins! If you’ve been to the store lately, you’ve probably seen pumpkin-flavored everything. Even I can admit, I am a huge fan of pumpkin-flavored things and when fall rolls around, I am up to my tastebuds in pumpkin goods. However, most items that have been […]

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