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Las orugas hambrientas pueden causar mucho daño a sus preciadas plantas. Su mejor defensa es explorar su paisaje con regularidad. Mire sus plantas cuidadosamente un par de veces a la semana. Si ve daños por masticación, intente encontrar al insecto responsable. Probablemente sea una oruga. Fuente: Jardinería en un minuto, orugas en plantas ornamentales. Caterpillars on Ornamentals

Las orugas son la etapa larval de los insectos del orden Lepidoptera, que incluye mariposas y polillas. 

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The summer of stinging caterpillars

Ralph MitchellJuly 17th, 2024Summer is in full blast, and I wanted to reissue some information on the topic of stinging caterpillars.  When you think of caterpillars, you think of worm-like leaf-eaters that are generally harmless to humans.  Caterpillars may be hairless, fuzzy like a wooly bear or even tufted with hair – almost inviting you to touch them.  […]

Caterpillars of North America: Easily Identify 90 Common Butterflies and Moths

Rolando NegronMay 28th, 2024Step into the world of caterpillars with Caterpillars of North America: Easily Identify 90 Common Butterflies and Moths, authored by acclaimed entomologist Dr. Jaret C. Daniels, UF Professor of Entomology and Director of the McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity at the Florida Museum of Natural History. While butterflies and moths often steal the spotlight, […]

Caterpillars that wreck your lawn

Christine JacksonMay 9th, 2024Warm weather means that turf is currently in active growth. So is the hatching of caterpillars. Armyworms and Sod Webworms. Each of them causes damage to turf and ornamental plants.   Armyworms: These worms can be found year-round in central Florida and feed 24/7, 365 in packs or a small army, hints the name. They […]

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