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Las orugas hambrientas pueden causar mucho daño a sus preciadas plantas. Su mejor defensa es explorar su paisaje con regularidad. Mire sus plantas cuidadosamente un par de veces a la semana. Si ve daños por masticación, intente encontrar al insecto responsable. Probablemente sea una oruga. Fuente: Jardinería en un minuto, orugas en plantas ornamentales. Caterpillars on Ornamentals

Las orugas son la etapa larval de los insectos del orden Lepidoptera, que incluye mariposas y polillas. 

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Publicaciones relacionadas en el blog de IFAS

Caterpillar cascade: Where are all these caterpillars coming from across Florida? UF/IFAS has answers

Meredith BauerApril 11th, 2024Florida is full of caterpillars this month. But what are they and what can you do about them? Are they dangerous? Fast facts from University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension agent Jackie Lebouitz: Some common caterpillars are the tussock moth , the echo moth, oak leaf-roller and the woolly gray moth. […]

Springtime Caterpillars

Jackie LebouitzMarch 21st, 2024It’s officially spring, and almost like clockwork, several seasonal caterpillars have begun to emerge from our trees…and may have found their way onto our walls, benches, and well, just about everywhere. While their presence may be a nuisance to some, these caterpillars are (mostly) harmless and serve as an important food source for birds, bats, […]

Palm Leaf Skeletonizer

Stephen BrownNovember 2nd, 2023Introduction                                                                                                              […]

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