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Create a Wattle in Your Yard

Anne YasalonisSeptember 5th, 2024Are summer storms dropping dead branches and twigs onto your yard? Recycle them and create a “wattle” fence!  Wattles, or hurdles, have been in use since the Middle Ages; originally used as portable fencing for grazing sheep. Over time, designs have evolved and many examples of beautiful woven fencing can be found worldwide. Back to […]

Exploring Florida’s Native Gems: The Florida Maple

Julia SirchiaAugust 27th, 2024Florida has it’s very own maple tree! The Florida maple (Acer barbatum), also known as “Florida Red Maple” or “Swamp Maple,” gets its name from the color of its leaves. In the autumn, these leaves turn to hues of yellow, orange, and red. This deciduous tree is native to Florida and can be a great […]

Starting a Vegetable Garden in Central Florida: A New Episode of Your Central Florida Yard Podcast

Anne YasalonisAugust 26th, 2024So you want to start a vegetable garden… Before you dig in, there are a few basic tips that will help you grow a successful vegetable garden in central Florida. From proper timing for seasonal vegetables, to soil prep, water, fertilizer, and even pest management.   In this episode we will chat about deciding what to […]

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