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2021—How do I legally sell meat from my own livestock and poultry in Florida?
AN316/AN316 by Chad Carr, Jason Scheffler, and Matthew JohanssonOctober 3, 2022This publication provides information for Florida residents who want to sell meat and poultry from their own livestock and poultry. Written by Chad Carr, Jason Scheffler, and Matthew Johansson, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Animal Sciences, revised August 2021.
Cellular Agriculture for Production of Cell-Based Seafood: Part 3— Regulatory Framework in the United States and Food Safety Considerations
FS456/FSHN24-1by Rose Omidvar and Razieh FarzadAugust 12, 2024In this EDIS publication, we provide information on the current regulatory framework for cell-based seafood production in the United States, food safety considerations, and the path forward for cell-based seafood products to get approved for selling in the marketplace. Additionally, drawing on the available science-based risk analysis methods for seafood production such as Hazards Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), we provided a simple hazard analysis to identify the potential seafood hazards that can potentially compromise the safety of cell-based seafood products.
Florida Agritourism Building and Fire Codes
WC349/AEC686 by Mary Beth Henry and Kathryn A. StoferJanuary 22, 2020
Florida Biosolids: Management and Land Application Rules
SS634/SL421 by John Hallas, Cheryl L. Mackowiak, and Ann C. WilkieNovember 19, 2019Biosolids are the liquid, semisolid, and solid fractions of the treated waste stream from a domestic wastewater treatment facility (WWTF). On August 29, 2010, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) formally adopted its rule for the management of wastewater biosolids, Chapter 62-640, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C. 2010). This 6-page fact sheet from the Florida Biosolids series covers applicability of the rule, the intent of Chapter 62-640, F.A.C., land application requirements, biosolids storage, cumulative application limits, setback distances, pH, soil depth, runoff prevention, additional application site restrictions for Class B biosolids, NMPs, and special geographic areas.
Florida Biosolids: Rules for Biosolids Classes
SS635/SL422 by John Hallas, Ann C. Wilkie, and Cheryl L. MackowiakNovember 18, 2019Biosolids are the liquid, semisolid, and solid fractions of the treated waste stream from a domestic waste water treatment facility. This 5-page fact sheet, part of the Florida Biosolids series, provides an overview of biosolids, biosolids classes, pathogen reduction, vector attraction reduction, and metal contaminants, and also discusses the purpose, applicability, and history of Chapter 62-640, Florida Administrative Code.
Labor Issues That the H-2A Temporary Agricultural Worker Policy Attempts to Resolve in Florida
FE1139/FE1139by Jonathan C. Stephens, John Lai, and Bachir KassasMarch 19, 2024Labor is a critical component of a successful agricultural venture. In 2020, the USDA reported that 10.3% of total US employment was in jobs in the agricultural and food sectors. We rely on food, fiber, and natural resources, and effective agricultural labor is a critical social need, but the challenges inherent in the effort to secure agricultural labor are many and difficult to solve. Particularly in Florida, maintaining a labor sufficient to meet the needs of the industry presents a complex problem. Controversies abound over issues like human rights and migrant vs. domestic labor. Today the H-2A Temporary Agricultural Workers Program is providing some compromise and progress within the agricultural labor crisis. The purpose of this publication is to review agricultural labor in Florida and analyze how the H-2A program addresses agricultural labor challenges. The publication will be of interest to consumers, labor activists, producers, corporations, and governments.
Public Policy Issues in Florida: 2017-18 Constitution Revision Commission (CRC)
FE1035/FE1035 by Rodney L. ClouserMarch 1, 2018
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Become A Better Angler In The New Year With The Florida Friendly Angler Program!
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A New Greater Amberjack Tagging Study?! Find Out How To Help Science and Get Paid!
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Fish of Florida: Atlantic Tripletail (Lobotes surinamensis) Species Profile
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