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Red Tide, Fisheries Modeling and Citizen Science: Casting a Line to Anglers and Gulf of Mexico Stakeholders for Better Data!

Michael SiposJune 19th, 2024In fisheries management, setting the acceptable biological catch (ABC) is vital to ensure sustainable harvest without overexploiting fish stocks. The ABC determines how much fish can be harvested each year, and is estimated using a stock assessment model that brings together multiple data sources to estimate fish abundance and productivity.  However, in the Gulf of […]

Agricultural ‘quarantine’ explained, with two Florida counties under such orders

Kirsten Romaguera RabinJuly 11th, 2022Two Florida counties were put under quarantine in recent weeks, but this has nothing to do with COVID-19. An agricultural quarantine is intended to prevent the spread of invasive species, but the protocols are unrelated to restrictions put in place for human disease containment. In the most recent cases, the discoveries of the Oriental fruit […]

Florida-Friendly Landscaping™: Join us as we celebrate Water Conservation Month!

Melissa WestApril 8th, 2022Join us as we celebrate Water Conservation Month! By Doris Heitzmann, Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program Manager. April and May are typically the driest months of the year in Central Florida. Making this the perfect time to reflect on our water use and how we can contribute to protecting our most precious resource. There are many opportunities […]

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