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Pollinator Appreciation Month

Julia SirchiaJune 27th, 2024June is Pollinator Month! Pollinators are crucial for the reproduction of all kinds of plants. You’ve thought about where a baby comes from, but have you ever thought where a peach comes from? Let’s explore why June is dedicated to these essential creatures. What are pollinators? Pollinators have a critical role in plant reproduction. There […]

Support Florida’s Pollinators All Year Long

Anne YasalonisJune 21st, 2024Landscapes that support our native pollinators are places filled with wonder!  They help our environment by providing safe havens for our smallest of wildlife – bees, butterflies and more!  Homeowners, institutions, developers – even apartment dwellers with balconies – can experience the reward of knowing that individuals CAN make a difference!  Florida’s pollinators have life […]

Tropical Milkweed and OE

Tia SilvasyJune 1st, 2024Tropical Milkweed (Asclepias curassavica) is commonly found in garden centers and is easy to grow. However, recent research has suggested that gardeners should avoid tropical milkweed and plant native species instead. Unlike native milkweeds that do dormant in the fall, tropical milkweed grows year-round in most parts of Florida. This encourages the monarch to stay […]

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