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FAQs: Using the EDIS Website

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Publishing on EDIS

What does "EDIS" mean?

Electronic Data Information Source. EDIS is the Electronic Data Information Source of UF/IFAS Extension, a collection of information on topics relevant to you: profitable and sustainable agriculture, our environment and natural resources, 4-H and other youth programs, Florida-friendly landscapes, communities that are vibrant and prosperous, and economic well-being and life quality for individuals and families.

I keep getting errors, why isn't anything available?

The part of the EDIS website that generates the html document pages and some of the navigational pages was not working at the time you tried to use our website. If you emailedishelp@ifas.ufl.eduto tell us of the difficulty and what you were trying to access, we will notify you when the system is up.

The first is the IFAS Publication number, which is given to documents that are official numbered UF/IFAS publications. The second is the Digital Library Number (DLN), which uniquely identifies a publication in our database. The DLN is also used to form the URL for the publication.

No. EDIS is strictly a publication database, although publications authors often do link to recommended or cited websites from within their publications.

An article I found on your website is perfect for a project I'm doing. May I use it?

Yes, as long as you aren't planning to use it for commercial purposes and as long as you cite the source. Please see ourcopyright pagefor information on obtaining permission.

How do I cite a publication on EDIS?

EDIS publications are published by University of Florida departments as part of their mission in the Florida Cooperative Extension Service. Every EDIS publication has a publication number by which it may be cited, and by which it is classified in libraries and in Florida Extension offices. You should include the publication number, author(s), title, the URL, and the publisher in your citation. Many of our publications undergo periodic revision, so the date a publication was accessed, although optional according to some styles, may be relevant.

See the following examples following different style guides.

  • Chicago Manual of Style

    Author, Albert A. Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. IFAS Publication Number. Gainesville: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Year of publication. Accessed Month Day, Year. c.f. CMS 15th ed. sections 17.142-43 for treatment of online books; sections 17.293 and 17.356 for inclusion of publication number for public documents

  • APA Style Manual

    Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle(IFAS Publication Number). Gainesville: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Retrieved Month Day, year, from

I'm having difficulty printing a pdf I downloaded from the EDIS Website.

Try following thetroubleshooting guidelines on the Adobe Acrobat site. If you find you are having problems with a specific publication or with only EDIS pdfs but not pdfs from other sites, please emailedishelp@ifas.ufl.edufor assistance.

What are keywords?

In EDIS, a keyword search searches the words found in the body of the text as it is displayed on the html page on our website. Some documents which are only fully available in pdf format, may have keyword access limited to the content of the html access page. In the "More Searches" boxes, keyword searches may be limited to titles and other metadata.

What is an author keyword?

The author keyword search searches the author by-line of EDIS publications as they appear on the website. Avoid using first or middle names unless you need to narrow down your search, in case the author used different forms on the documents. More searches on the authors name include the IFAS Personnel Directory and the IFAS Publications Catalog. The IFAS Publications catalog will include publications not available on EDIS and lists the results in a tabular format.

All EDIS publications are supported by UF/IFAS faculty authors. Typically, the supporting author is the first author listed. In cases where a new author has taken on responsibility for a publication (usually because the primary author has retired or left), the new supporting author will typically appear last on the author list unless that author has made major revisions to the content.

What is a title keyword?

Title keywords are words that appear in the document's title. This is a phrase search, so if you are searching for "Small Farms Extension Programs in Southern States", you can find it using the title key words "small farms" but not "small extension"

What is a department?

All EDIS publications are published through UF/IFAS academic departments, which are responsible for the content of the publications. Usually the department of a publication corresponds to the academic department of the primary (supporting) author of the publication. Although EDIS publications may be the result of collaboration between authors from 2 or more academic departments, only the primary department will be available for searching purposes. The department is listed in the first footnote of each publication.

In addition to academic department, a publication may be associated with a Research and Education Center, a Center or Program, or a County. Although these affiliations will be mentioned on the document, they are not searchable in EDIS.

I'd like to report a problem with a specific publication

Listed below are UF/IFAS publishing departments and their Publications Specialists. You can contact the publication specialist directly to report a problem with a publication.

Editorial Contacts

See theEDIS Services pageon the ICS website for a list of the EDIS editorial contacts and the departments for which they are responsible.

What is EDIS?

EDIS is the Electronic Data Information Source of UF/IFAS Extension, a collection of information on topics relevant to you.More...