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How to Select Horse Hay

Caitlin JustesenNovember 1st, 2018Feeding our horses is typically the largest expense in horse ownership, but feeding them according to their nutrient demands could offer some cost savings. Selecting a good quality hay for our horses often becomes a battle of which product is the greenest color and smells the “best”. However, these are merely clues and actually tell […]

Opportunities and Challenges of Alfalfa Production in North Florida

dubeuxNovember 6th, 2015J. Dubeux, Jr. and A. Blount, University of Florida/IFAS – North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC), 3925 Highway 71, Marianna, FL P. Munoz, University of Florida/IFAS – Agronomy Department, Gainesville, FL. Florida has approximately 119,000 dairy cows and a well-developed horse industry that generates $6.5 billion annually. Producing local alfalfa hay is an opportunity […]

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