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Do Horseshoe Crab Migrate? If so, how far?

Barbara L. EdmondsMay 30th, 2018These and other questions are the focus of Limulus watch, a citizen scientist initiative whose goal is to identify, tag and record nesting horseshoe crab population numbers to better manage these important marine animals. Resighting is one method of tracking crab migration, populations and health. Fall 2017 – Spring 2018 saw a 6.3 percent resighting […]

With five sets of legs, these horseshoe aren’t for tossing.

Barbara L. EdmondsApril 30th, 2018Extension connects the general public with University of Florida scientist and specialist by providing research based education. One such research project is University of Florida’s horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) watch. The goal is to identify, tag and record data before gently placing the animals in the surf. Volunteers help track population numbers to better manage […]

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