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Chapter 10. Minor Vegetable Crop Production

CV294/CV294by Dakshina R. Seal, Qingren Wang, Ramdas Kanissery, Anna Meszaros, Crystal A. Snodgrass, Julien Beuzelin, Johan Desaeger, Nicholas S. Dufault, Katia Viana Xavier, and Shouan ZhangAugust 22, 2023Chapter 10 of the Vegetable Production Handbook.

Fertilization of Sweet Corn, Celery, Romaine, Escarole, Endive, and Radish on Organic Soils in Florida

CV008/BUL313 by George Hochmuth, Ed Hanlon, George Snyder, Russell Nagata, and Tom SchuenemanNovember 26, 2018

Smallage—Apium graveolens L.

MV135/HS668 by James M. StephensNovember 6, 2018

Related IFAS Blog Posts

Stalking Celery

Paul SchumakerMarch 14th, 2020By Ralph E. Mitchell I sometimes like to grow a plant just to see if I can succeed in the effort. While I tried growing celery several years ago with average success, I did manage to grow some better-than-average stalks this year. You can grow your own celery! Celery is related to carrots, fennel and […]

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