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June 2024 Class List

Morgan RothMay 15th, 2024Join us at the UF/IFAS Brevard Extension office for some fun learning experiences! Make sure to follow us on Eventbrite to be notified by email whenever we post a new class: Want this sent to your email? Subscribe to our monthly newsletter: 4-H Summer Camps for June & July *You do not need […]

What is County Events?

Kelsey IrvineFebruary 23rd, 2023Here in Nassau County our annual County Events is a big deal and happens in March. We know that the name “County Events” isn’t the most helpful when understanding what this key 4-H event is, so we hope this will answer your questions! County Events is an annual chance for 4-H members to show off […]

How your clothes are hurting the environment: a fast fashion story

Kassidy HouseNovember 18th, 2020What is Fast Fashion? Fast fashion happens when companies mimic trendy clothing styles at a cheap price for the public. However, the environmental cost of doing this is extraordinary. Why is it harmful? Water resources: To make clothes cheaply, companies use lower quality materials that worsen the durability of the article of clothing. Even though […]

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