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Weekly “What is it?”: Rat snakes

carriestevensonJune 20th, 2024It’s warm here in northwest Florida, which means our cold-blooded reptile friends are on the move. In the last few weeks, I’ve seen a snake at work, one at home, and received snake photos from my neighbors’ and parents’ yards. A fear of snakes seems to be both innate and passed down from one generation […]

Wild Sarasota: Venomous Snakes Part 2

Zahir Ringgold CordesJune 13th, 2024Snakes are an integral part of Florida’s healthy, well-functioning ecosystems. They help balance populations of rodents and other small mammals, reptiles, insects, and amphibians. Some snakes even eat other snakes, as well as some of our non-native and invasive animal species too! Whether venomous or non-venomous, these serpents have also come to be the source […]

Wild Sarasota: Venomous Snakes Part 1

Zahir Ringgold CordesJune 10th, 2024Snakes are an integral part of Florida’s healthy, well-functioning ecosystems. They help balance populations of rodents and other small mammals, reptiles, insects, and amphibians. Some snakes even eat other snakes, as well as some of our non-native and invasive animal species too! Whether venomous or non-venomous, these serpents have also come to be the source […]