Aquatic and Wetland Plants
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Aquatic Plants
Plants that grow in water either floating on the surface, growing up from the bottom of the body of water or growing under the surface of the water. [NALT]
Any microscopic or macroscopic vegetal organism living in the aquatic environment, excluding bacteria and viruses. [AGROVOC]
Wetland Plants
Plants adapted for survival in soils frequently saturated with surface or groundwater. [NALT]
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A highly diverse group of mainly aquatic, autotrophic, photosynthesizing organisms ranging from microscopic single-cell forms to multicellular forms, distinguished from vascular plants by the absence of structures such as true roots, stems, leaves and flowers. (Agrovoc)
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Related Topics: Native Plants, Aquatic and Wetland Plants
Seagrasses are flowering vascular plants that live completely submerged in shallow oceanic and estuarine waters. [NALT]
Species of embryophytes living in marine coastal waters. Flowering plants (angiosperms) that colonised the sea. They are the only flowering plants that can live under seawater and are not related to seaweeds. [AGROVOC]