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Going Bats for Pest Management

joshuacrissJuly 8th, 2022New Feature at Santa Rosa Extension There is a new feature at the Santa Rosa county extension office in recent days.  The Master Gardener’s worked closely with the County Extension Director and Horticulture Agent to install two bat houses on the east side of our main facility on Dogwood Dr.  Hopefully the houses will be […]

Carpenter Bees Bore Problems

Les HarrisonApril 12th, 2018by Les Harrison There are certain sounds which cannot be ignored. They convey an immediate message which calls the listener to be alert and prepared. These noises, even here in the Florida panhandle, are uniquely distinct and are not likely to be confused with other audio messages. One of these acoustic alarms is buzzing, especially […]

Get an Early Start on Spring Veggies

Blake ThaxtonJanuary 26th, 2015Growing spring vegetables in northwest Florida can be challenging! Sometimes failures seem more numerous than successes. Extreme cold events in the winter and blistering hot summer days make it tough on vegetables. One suggestion is to get the garden started earlier than usual! The climate in northwest Florida challenges the gardener due to very […]

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