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Life Skills in a Minute series

Life Skills in a Minute: Threading a Needle

4H413/4H413by Heather JanneyAugust 3, 2021Threading a needle may sound simple, but a lot of people just don't know how. There are a few different ways to thread a needle, all of which are appropriate. This new 2-page publication of the UF/IFAS 4-H Youth Development program provides illustrated instructions for three ways to thread a needle. Written by Heather Janney.

Life Skills in a Minute: Sewing on a Button

4H414/4H414by Heather JanneyAugust 3, 2021Even though sewing a button back on is quite a simple task, many people refuse to try it simply because it seems too daunting. This publication will help you to understand the difference in button types and share the methods to be utilized in sewing a button on. Written by Heather Janney and published by the UF/IFAS 4-H Youth Development program; 3 pages.

Life Skills in a Minute: Ironing versus Pressing

4H415/4H415by Heather JanneyAugust 3, 2021The words pressing and ironing are often interchanged. However, these two terms are not equivalent. Ironing is what you do to remove wrinkles by sliding a hot iron back and forth. Pressing is the process of lifting and putting the iron down on a specific part of a project. When learning to sew, it is important to know the difference. This new 3-page publication of the UF/IFAS 4-H Youth Development program details the difference in these concepts. Written by Heather Janney.

Life Skills in a Minute: Sending a Card

4H416/4H416by Heather JanneyAugust 3, 2021Most of us have received a greeting card at some point in our lives. Receiving a card in the mail is an experience: pulling it out of the mailbox, reading the outside of the envelope, breaking the seal, pulling out the card, reading the note from the sender, and then placing it somewhere special. This new 3-page publication of the UF/IFAS 4-H Youth Development program provides some guidelines to help with sending greeting cards. Written by Heather Janney.