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Knowing and Preventing Heat Stress Under Agricultural Environment

Qingchun LiuJune 7th, 2024According to the weather forecast, there were 21 days with the highest temperature above 90 F in Miami-Dade County in May.  It will get even warmer when the summer season comes. Though the shipping season of ornamental crops is closing to its end, many workers are still working outside in the nurseries during the hot […]

Brazilian Beef Cattle Industry and it’s Heat Stress Challenges and Opportunities

Andrea DunlapNovember 1st, 2023Parts of Brazil experience similar hot weather conditions to Florida’s and thus ranchers there face similar problems with effects of heat stress on cattle.  Dr. Cassio Cassal Brauner, an animal science professor in Brazil, currently spending a year in Ona working with Dr. Philipe Moriel as an exchange visitor, research scholar, was our guest presenter […]

New research looks to pollen for plant heat stress resilience

Kirsten Romaguera RabinJuly 10th, 2023A new NIFA-funded project will examine pollen formation and viability in corn when heat stress is introduced during the different developmental stages. The research aims to identify genetic resiliency markers that may inform future corn-breeding efforts. People aren’t the only ones stressed by heat waves. For many plants, higher-than-anticipated temperatures can lead to water loss, […]

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