UF/IFAS Extension Initiative 7: 4-H Youth Development
Today’s youth are tomorrow’s citizens, consumers, parents, and leaders. Florida Cooperative Extension’s 4-H Youth Development Program offers age-appropriate, learn-by- doing educational opportunities that complement K–12 education to develop knowledge, life skills, and leadership abilities in Florida’s youth. These qualities empower youth to positively influence their communities and become contributing members of society.
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4-H Agent Guide for Managing the Approval, Denial, and Releasing of Volunteers in Florida 4-H
4H428/4H428by Andrew Toelle, Heather Kent, and Sophia CooneyApril 13, 2022The purpose of these Volunteer Management Guidelines is to provide Extension faculty assistance with approving, denying, and releasing volunteers. This document contains several example letters that may be used and other useful tools to assist you with this process. It also demonstrates steps in approving, denying, and releasing volunteers. Written by Andrew Toelle, Heather Kent, and Sophia Cooney; 7 pp.
Florida 4-H Camp Counselor Training Guide
4H398/4HLDL21 by Jessica Altum CooperAugust 30, 2019
Strategies to Engage 4-H Parents
4H430/4H430by Julia S. KellyJanuary 31, 2023Parent engagement makes a significant impact on a 4-H club’s success in fostering the development of targeted life skills in youth participants. This new 4-page publication of the UF/IFAS 4-H Youth Development Program presents 13 concrete strategies for engaging with parents and also addresses some potential challenges with communicating with parents. Written by Julia S. Kelly.
The Extension Services-237: Everything You Need to Know
4H345/4H345 by Matthew Olson and Andrew ToelleApril 25, 2024The Extension Services-237 (ES-237) is a report of University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension that consists of statistics for youth ages 5–18 participating in UF/IFAS Extension youth programs and the volunteers providing service to these programs. Family Nutrition Programs (FNP) are the only youth Extension programs that are exempt from ES-237 reporting. In Florida, an annual ES-237 report is completed for each UF/IFAS Extension County office based off total 4-H enrollments entered into 4-H Online. County reports are compiled into a single state report and submitted to the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
UF/IFAS Extension Florida 4-H Youth Protection Policy
4H444/4H444by Candi Dierenfield, Kathryn Hartman, Janet Waters, Matthew Olson, and Sophia AndrewsOctober 12, 2023Updated UF/IFAS Extension Florida 4-H Youth Protection Policy
Utilizing Mindfulness as an Evening Reflection at Residential Camp
4H412/4H412 by Heather JanneyMarch 4, 2024A UF/IFAS numbered peer reviewed Fact Sheet. Published by Youth development
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Luz BahderOctober 14th, 2024Creado por Lourdes Mederos, gerente de relaciones públicas en español para el Departamento de Comunicaciones de UF/IFAS. El servicio de Extensión de UF/IFAS del condado de Broward tiene algo para cada persona. Ya sea que busque una actividad juvenil 4-H, quiera cultivar su jardín, capacitarse para ser arbolista o necesite la ayuda de un experto […]
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Well, if I Come to a Meeting but My Child Doesn’t, Are They Counted Absent?
Kristie PopaSeptember 30th, 2024Welcome back to “The Great 4-H FAQ Adventure!” Today, we’re diving into a question that parents often ask: “Well, if I come to a meeting but my child doesn’t, are they counted absent?” This question gets to the heart of participation in 4-H and how we track involvement. Let’s clarify how attendance works and why […]
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